By-law No. 60 Consultation

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 gives Council the authority to make by-laws relating to the administration and internal affairs of the College. 

On September 15, 2023, Council directed that the following proposed amendments to CMRITO By-law No. 60 be circulated to members and stakeholders for comment. The proposed amendments relate to governance modernization, emergency class registrants, and a housekeeping matter and are described in greater detail below.

Governance modernization

  • revising terminology to better reflect CMRITO’s role as a regulator
    • 'member’ to ‘registrant’
    • ‘President’ to ‘Chair’
    • ‘Vice-President’ to “Vice-Chair’

Emergency class registrants*

  • amending section 26 to reflect the fee exemptions set out in the recently revised registration regulation, which exempt emergency class registrants applying for a specialty certificate of registration from the application and evaluation fees


  • amending section 12.4 to clarify that the term of office for College officers commences at the first regular meeting after the election each year

While CMRITO is only required by legislation to circulate certain by-law changes, such as those regarding fees, in the interests of transparency, Council has directed that all the proposed amendments be circulated for 60 days to members and stakeholders for comment. The deadline for receipt of comments is December 4, 2023.

Prior to amending By-law No. 60, Council will consider all comments received by the deadline, keeping in mind the CMRITO’s mandate to protect the public interest.

You can review the proposed amendments to By-law No. 60 in full here.

Click here to view the current version of the Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017.

Please note that all comments are reviewed before they are posted to ensure that they comply with our Social Media Policy.

* Please note that the Emergency Class of Registration is currently not open. These exemptions would only apply if and when the Government of Ontario or CMRITO Council determines that it is in the public interest to open the class to address emergency circumstances.


October 3, 2023

The change of the term from “member” to “registrant” is not necessary as neither term covey the full meaning. I propose that the phrase “registered member” be used instead.

I don’t see the reason to change the terms from “president” to “chair”, as this is used in a committee. The chair is usually used as a term for a temporary or rotation leadership position.

The emergency class is really not necessary, as the students that are able to practice, are already in a hospital for their practicum. This amendment could expose the College to tricky situations that could pose a risk to the licence of registered members.

October 3, 2023

Honestly, changing the term President to Chair is not a big concern. why are resources wasted on terminology when there are huge problems that haven't been addressed for 30 years.

From 1989 to now, the Ministry has not increased the technical fees much. For example, a chest x-ray brings in $24.9 technical fees. A Mcdonald combo costs more than that! My employers cannot afford even giving anyone raises and now facing financial crisis. We are talking about a company owning multiple thriving clinics that are fully booked!

No other medical regulators or associations would be okay with that. Something needs to change STAT.

October 3, 2023

Dear CMRITO... I'm not sure why time and money is being spent on what appears to be a game of words.  If you're not changing the responsibilities of the position, what difference does it really make?   I think the money would be better spent on educating the public how important diagnostics really are and that the world really doesn't revolve around nurses alone.  Without diagnostic technologists the doctors and nurses are only guessing about EVERYTHING!   I feel that I you were to advocate more for technologists with the government we might actually be able to earn as much as a GM worker!!!  Most of us have far more education than  nurses, carry at least 2 licenses and more responsibilities, and still we are being treated with less  and less respect.  It's time we were acknowledged as an equally important member of the Healthcare team, and paid as such.  My background is xray , before I went into MRI, and the quality of radiographs is not what it used to be.  We were far better prepared for our careers after our 27 months than they are now after 4 years.. sad to say.  And nursing is no better.  Sadly, I've had to work with a 4th year nursing student who couldn't even take a blood pressure...I taught her how.   So, when our dues are being spent on semantics, I will as much time, energy and effort went into actually helping us, not word games.

October 4, 2023

I don’t agree with this. All fees must be paid at all times - no matter the circumstances.

October 20, 2023

I do not understand the rationale to exempt the Emerg class MRIT from the payment of fees. Recommend that you consider a reduced percentage reflective of the likelihood that this class of technologist will be paid at a lower rate that a fully registered MRIT. Being transparent, I was not and still not content with the need for this at all although appreciate the direction given to the college by the ministry.

As for the change from President to Chair, vice-chair.... the proposed change for me diminishes the role. Why is this change tabled to begin with? Maybe if you had better explained the purpose of the change, we could appreciate why it is brought forward.

For the proposed change from member to registrant... using terminology that is not fully appreciated by the public or even MRITs. I prefer the forum's suggestion of registered member instead. Registrant to me infers an attendee at a webinar or conference... too vague.

Member of an organization
November, 8, 2023

We have no concerns with the proposed amendments.