
We Want Your Input

One of our responsibilities is to develop and implement regulations, by-laws and policies. Your feedback and input into these activities is vital. While our primary goal is to protect the public interest with our policies, your input into them will help us to create more workable and practical solutions. Registrants can help us to have a better understanding of the issues we need to consider as we develop these new regulations and by-laws, as well as proposed amendments to current regulations and by-laws.

All by-laws and regulations that are developed are considered and approved by CMRITO's Council. We weigh all comments received from members of the public, stakeholders and medical radiation and imaging technologists before moving ahead.

We also post all feedback we receive on our website so that all registrants can stay current with the discussion, and stakeholders and the public can remain engaged as we develop policies and regulations. This is in accordance with the posting guidelines found in our Social Media Policy.

Current Consultations:

There are no consultations currently ongoing. 

Recent Consultations:

Proposed changes to By-law No. 60 regarding annual registration fee

Updated October 9, 2024

At a special meeting held on October 9, 2024, Council voted to pause the consultation on proposed changes to By-law No. 60 regarding the annual registration fee, rescind the proposed by-law amendments, consider the input provided to date, and reevaluate the approach to the fee increase. As a result, this consultation has been closed. Following this meeting, CMRITO will reevaluate the approach to a fee increase in light of the information received through the consultation process.

Updated October 7, 2024

CMRITO has been actively monitoring the progress of the current consultation on the proposed changes to the annual registration fee. In response, the College has scheduled a special meeting of Council on Wednesday, October 9th at 10 am to consider the feedback submitted to date.

To read about the reasons for this special meeting, please click here.

Please click here to register to watch the broadcast of this virtual meeting.

Updated October 2, 2024

In response to the consultation on the proposed changes to the annual registration fee, CMRITO has scheduled a special meeting of Council on Wednesday, October 9th at 10 am.

A link to register to observe this meeting will be provided shortly.

Updated October 1, 2024

CMRITO hears you and values your input. 

Council will hold a special meeting by October 18th to consider the feedback to the proposed changes to the annual registration fee. Once a date is set, a link to observe the meeting will be shared at as soon as possible.

Thank you for giving us your feedback.

Updated September 27, 2024

The College has received a high volume of comments regarding the proposed annual registration fee. 

Thank you to our registrants, stakeholders, and the public for giving us your feedback. 

Council will carefully consider all input received before making a decision. 

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) gives the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario (CMRITO or the College) the authority to make by-laws relating to the administration and internal affairs of the College. This includes by-laws requiring registrants to pay annual registration fees and by-laws specifying the amount of those fees.

For the first time since 2011, CMRITO Council is proposing to change section 26 of CMRITO By-law No. 60 to increase the annual registration fee with CMRITO. If approved, the proposed changes would take effect February 1, 2025. The information Council considered in proposing this increase to the annual registration fee can be found here.

In accordance with the Health Professions Procedural Code (the Code), being Schedule 2 to the RHPA, the proposed changes are being circulated to registrants and stakeholders for comment for a period of 60 days. The deadline to comment is Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Prior to approving the proposed changes, Council will meet to carefully consider all comments, keeping in mind the CMRITO’s mandate to protect the public interest. 

You can review the proposed changes to CMRITO By-law No. 60 here.

You can review CMRITO By-law No. 60 in full here.

CMRITO’s current annual registration fee is lower than the annual registration fee of 22 of the other 25 regulated health professions in Ontario, and the proposed annual registration fee will continue to be lower than 21 of the 25 other RHPA Colleges. Please click here to see a table comparing CMRITO’s current and proposed annual registration fees to the current fees for registrants at all RHPA Colleges in Ontario.

To view the comments made as part of this consultation, please click here.

Please note that all comments are reviewed before they are posted to ensure that they comply with CMRITO’s Social Media Policy.

Closed Consultations 

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 gives Council the authority to make by-laws relating to the administration and internal affairs of the College.

On September 15, 2023, Council directed that the proposed amendments to CMRITO By-law No. 60 be circulated to members and stakeholders for comment. The proposed amendments relate to governance modernization, emergency class registrants and a housekeeping matter and are described in greater detail below.

Governance modernization

    revising terminology to better reflect CMRITO’s role as a regulator
    • ‘member’ to ‘registrant’
    • ‘President’ to ‘Chair’
    • ‘Vice-President’ to “Vice-Chair’

Emergency class registrants*

  • amending section 26 to reflect the fee exemptions set out in the recently revised registration regulation, which exempt emergency class registrants applying for a specialty certificate of registration from the application and evaluation fees


  • amending section 12.4 to clarify that the term of office for College officers commences at the first regular meeting after the election each year

While CMRITO is only required by legislation to circulate certain by-law changes, such as those regarding fees, in the interests of transparency, Council has directed that all the proposed amendments be circulated for 60 days to members and stakeholders for comment. This consultation closed December 4, 2023.

Prior to amending By-law No. 60, Council will consider all comments received by the deadline, keeping in mind the CMRITO’s mandate to protect the public interest.

You can review the proposed amendments to By-law No. 60 in full here.

To review the comments that have been posted to the consultation forum, please click here.

Click here to view the current version of the Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017.

Please note that all comments are reviewed before they are posted to ensure that they comply with our Social Media Policy.

*Please note that the Emergency Class of Registration is currently not open. These exemptions would only apply if and when the Government of Ontario or CMRITO Council determines that it is in the public interest to open the class to address emergency circumstances.

On March 31, 2023, Council of the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario (CMRITO) met to consider consultation comments received regarding proposed amendments to the Registration Regulation made under the Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017 (the “Amended Proposed Regulation”).

These proposed amendments were made to comply with a new regulation made under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) that requires all health regulatory colleges to have an emergency class of registration by August 31, 2023. This regulation must include the circumstances in which a registrant in the emergency class may apply for another class of registration, exempting that applicant from at least some of the registration requirements that would ordinarily apply.

In accordance with the RHPA, the Amended Proposed Regulation was circulated for 60 days to registrants and stakeholders for comment. Comments were received between January 26, 2023 and March 30, 2023. Council considered all comments received by the deadline, keeping in mind the CMRITO’s mandate to protect the public interest. 

In light of the comments received, amendments were made to the Amended Proposed Regulation initially circulated. Specifically, Council removed the examination requirement from the list of exemptions that apply to emergency class registrants applying for a specialty certificate of registration with CMRITO.

This means that emergency class registrants would still be required to successfully complete the national certification examination to be eligible for a specialty certificate of registration. In Council’s view, this amendment was necessary to protect the public interest and ensure the safe, effective and ethical provision of medical radiation and imaging technology services to the public of Ontario.

As directed by Council, the Amended Proposed Regulation was circulated to registrants and stakeholders for comment. Because the Amended Proposed Regulation must be filed with the Government of Ontario by May 1, 2023, Council has approved an abridgment of the circulation period to 30 days, or such other period as the Minister of Health may approve.

On May 4, 2023, the Minister of Health approved Council’s request to abridge the circulation period to 30 days. Therefore, this consultation closed on Monday, May 15, 2023. Council will consider all comments received by the deadline, keeping in mind the CMRITO’s mandate to protect the public interest.

To review the comments that were posted to the consultation forum, click here.

Click here to review the Amended Proposed Regulation, with the proposed amendments that are being circulated for comment highlighted in yellow. 

If you have questions, you may wish to consider reviewing this Frequently Asked Questions document. This document was published on March 3, 2023 during the initial consultation, but has since been updated to reflect the amendments made by Council on March 31, 2023.

Please note that all comments are reviewed before they are posted to ensure that they comply with our Social Media Policy

The Government of Ontario is continuing its efforts to increase health human resources capacity to respond and recover from the pandemic, ensuring Ontarians have access to safe, high-quality care now and in the future.

To that end, a new regulation under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires all health regulatory colleges to have an emergency class of registration by August 31, 2023 which must include:

  • The circumstances that will cause the class to be open for issuance and renewal.
  • A timeline of no more than one year after the certificate is issued, renewable for the same period of time, and with no limit on the number of renewals.
  • The circumstances in which a member in the emergency class may apply for another class of registration, exempting that applicant from at least some of the registration requirements that would ordinarily apply.

Implementing these new requirements will require the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario (CMRITO) to amend its Registration Regulation made under the Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017.

As you may recall, on June 14, 2019, Council approved a proposed Registration Regulation made under the MRIT Act for submission to the Ministry of Health (MOH). This proposed Registration Regulation, was the subject of a previous consultation.  

In order to comply with the new RHPA regulation, the CMRITO’s Executive Committee, acting on behalf of Council, has approved, for the purposes of circulation and comment, amendments to the proposed Registration Regulation to establish an emergency class of registration (referred to in this consultation as “the Amended Proposed Regulation”).

In accordance with the RHPA, the Amended Proposed Regulation is being circulated for 60 days to members and stakeholders for comment. Prior to finalizing the Amended Proposed Regulation, Council will consider all comments received by the deadline, keeping in mind the CMRITO’s mandate to protect the public interest.

To review the comments that were posted to the consultation forum, click here.

The deadline for receipt of comments was March 30, 2023.

Click here to review the Amended Proposed Regulation, with the proposed amendments that are being circulated for comment highlighted in yellow.

Click here to read Frequently Asked Questions about the proposed emergency class of registration.

Please note that all comments are reviewed before they are posted to ensure that they comply with our Social Media Policy.

The Council of the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) is expecting proclamation into force of the Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017 (MRIT Act) in the near future which will repeal and replace CMRTO’s current governing legislation – the Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991 (MRT Act).

In anticipation of the coming into force of the MRIT Act, the CMRTO’s Council has approved, for circulation and comment, a new registration regulation to be made under the MRIT Act (Proposed Regulation). Among other things, the Proposed Regulation refers to the new name of the profession and streamlines the regulation so that it reflects the similarities of the registration requirements for all five specialties – radiography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance and diagnostic medical sonography.

In accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 the Proposed Regulation is being circulated for 60 days to registrants and stakeholders for comment. Prior to finalizing the Proposed Regulation, Council will consider all comments received by the deadline, keeping in mind the CMRTO’s mandate to protect the public interest.

You are welcome to review the Proposed Regulation and provide your comments in the dedicated consultation forum for the Proposed Regulation. To view the consultation, click here.

The deadline for receipt of comments is June 2, 2019.

Click here to review a summary of the Proposed Regulation and the differences between it and the existing registration regulation made under the Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991, O. Reg. 866/93 (the Existing Regulation).

Click here to review the Proposed Regulation.

Click here to review a comparison between the Proposed Regulation and the Existing Regulation.


The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, gives the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO or the College) the authority to make by-laws relating to the administration and internal affairs of the College.

The CMRTO’s by-laws are the rules that govern how the CMRTO operates and include information on matters such as Council meetings, fees, professional liability insurance, elections, appointments, the information to be included on the register and the information to be provided to the College by all of its members.

In 2018, the Council of the CMRTO committed to review and update the by-laws to improve plain language and format. Updating the by-laws was also part of the CMRTO’s Transparency Implementation Plan. The goal is to take the current eight by-laws and combine them into one by-law that is more accessible and easier to understand to improve transparency.

Transparency has been a priority for the CMRTO for quite some time. In 2014, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care directed all health regulatory colleges in Ontario to make transparency a priority and make tangible strides to continually increase transparency in college processes and decision-making.

In addition, commencing on January 1, 2018, the CMRTO began registering a fifth specialty, diagnostic medical sonography. The by-laws must also be amended to integrate this new specialty into the College.


The CMRTO is required, under the Health Professions Procedural Code, to circulate certain by-law changes. In accordance with this legislated obligation and also to increase transparency and encourage input, proposed By-law No. 60 is being circulated for 60 days to members and stakeholders for comment.

Prior to finalizing the proposed changes, Council will carefully consider all comments, keeping in mind the CMRTO’s mandate to protect the public interest.

The deadline for receipt of comments on proposed By-law No. 60 is September 7, 2018.

If approved, proposed By-law No. 60 would replace all existing CMRTO by-laws.

You can review the proposed changes and additions in writing here or by webinar presentation here.

To view the consultation, please click here.

The Council of the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) is proposing revisions to the CMRTO Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics in preparation for the regulation of diagnostic medical sonographers with CMRTO. One of the key objects of the CMRTO is to develop, establish and maintain standards of practice to assure the quality of the practice of the profession. The Standards of Practice set out the minimum requirements for professional practice and conduct for registrants of CMRTO, and apply at all times and in all practice settings.

CMRTO is circulating a survey to all medical radiation technologists, diagnostic medical sonographers, other health professionals and members of the public to get feedback regarding the proposed revisions. Prior to finalizing the proposed changes, Council will consider all feedback, keeping in mind the CMRTO's mandate to protect the public interest.

The survey will close at midnight on November 30, 2017.

The Council of the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) is proposing a regulation to amend the registration regulation made under the Medical Radiation Technology Act, 1991. The amending regulation will enable the CMRTO to register diagnostic medical sonographers as a fifth specialty. It also sets out the registration requirements for an applicant to be issued a certificate of registration in the new specialty. If enacted, it will come into effect at the beginning of 2018.

In accordance with the Regulated Health Professions Act, the proposed changes are being circulated for 60 days to members and stakeholders for comment. Prior to finalizing the proposed changes, Council will consider all comments, keeping in mind the CMRTO's mandate to protect the public interest.

You are welcome to review these changes and provide your comments in the dedicated consultation forum for the amending regulation.

The deadline for receipt of comments on the proposed changes is October 17, 2017.

Click here to view the proposed changes to the registration regulation

Click here to view the amended registration regulation

To view the consultation click here

The Council of the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) is proposing a change to By-law No. 28 relating to the register and information to be provided by members of the CMRTO. The proposed changes will primarily affect current members of the CMRTO and, if enacted, would take effect on January 1, 2017.

In accordance with our legislated obligation, the proposed changes were circulated for 60 days to members and stakeholders for comment. Prior to finalizing the proposed changes, Council will carefully consider all comments, keeping in mind the CMRTO's mandate to protect the public interest.

You are welcome to review the summary of these changes in the dedicated consultation forum for By-law No. 28.

The deadline for receipt of comments on the proposed changes was September 6, 2016.

Click here to view the current version of By-law No. 28

Click here to view the proposed changes to By-law No. 28

To view the consultation click here